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Gender Affirming
Surgery Grant

DR DHT offers Gender Affirming Surgery Grants to trans, non-binary, & GNC people in need of funding. This includes top surgery, bottom surgery and other gender related procedures. Currently our grants are $300 each. We hope that as our small business grows, we will have the resources to give back even more. 


We would like to make this a reoccurring thing. In other words, continue giving out grants whenever possible. But we do need your support





1. Purchase our limited edition Pride Stickers. All proceeds fund the grants.


2. Make a donation. Please click here to donate through Paypal, or with a card.. Anything at all helps. 


3. If you enjoy our products, tell your friends, post it in a Facebook group, or tag us in your updates/photos. Besides stickers and some donations, part of the GA Grant funding comes directly from you folks purchasing our products. And most of our customers come from word-of-mouth, from finding/seeing a social media post, or from someone mentioning our products online. It means the world that you folks enjoy them enough to talk about them.



HOW YOU CAN apply:



Apply via the google form here.

Please only apply if you are in need of funding for gender affirming surgeries. 

DR DHT does not sell your personal info, however Wix (the platform) might. Please select "do not sell" to avoid this. 

© 2022 na Zy

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